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Planetshakers (Singapore)

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What does Planetshakers (Singapore) do?

What does Planetshakers (Singapore) do? They are a church that propagates Christian faith, organizes events and provides assistance to those in need while promoting fellowship among believers.




dickson chu tee chen, joshua liew jia han, lee jia wei audrey, andre cheah ruiqian, pei jet chuah, jonathan timothy herbert, neil terence smith, lee jia jin rachel, jiaheng chan, timothy chew eng khong


No PovertyHealth & WellnessChildrenEducationFood Security


  • Registered Charity
  • Established since 2018
  • Published yearly Annual Reports

Society Impact

  • Spread of Christian faith: The charity's primary objective is to propagate the message of the Christian faith, which can have a significant societal impact by influencing belief systems and values among individuals who engage with their activities or teachings.
  • Community building: By organizing retreats, meetings, conventions, conferences, Gospel concerts, and other events, Planetshakers (Singapore) fosters community and fellowship among its members and potentially beyond the church community as well.
  • Support for those in need: The charity's mission to provide practical Christian assistance to those in need can lead to positive societal impact by addressing basic needs such as food, clothing, shelter, rehabilitation, accommodation, and counseling services.
  • Missionary work: Planetsh