Society of the Infant Jesus (Singapore) logo


Society of the Infant Jesus (Singapore)

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What does Society of the Infant Jesus (Singapore) do?

Discover how Society of the Infant Jesus (Singapore) promotes devotion to the Infant Jesus through prayer & faith formation, while providing assistance to those in need across Singapore and Asia




foo soo liang, ong lian neo, dolores don, lourdes favacho, de silva annabella mrs palmer, sandra lee seow yen, woo suet har karen


No PovertyHealth & WellnessChildren


  • Registered Charity
  • Established since 2009
  • Published yearly Annual Reports

Society Impact

  • Promotes devotion to the Infant Jesus and faith formation among Carmelite friars and community members.
  • Provides spiritual guidance and financial assistance to poor, marginalized, sick, and lonely individuals in Singapore and Asean region.
  • Supports religious and educational activities within the society.
  • Collaborates with other charitable organizations to build homes, classrooms, orphanages in Singapore and Asian region.
  • Encourages community involvement through fundraising efforts for Society's activities.