Centre Stage Productions Limited is a charitable organization dedicated to producing theatre events in Singapore, with all proceeds going towards various philanthropic causes. Their mission is to entertain and engage audiences while also making a positive impact on their community through the power of performing arts.
ian peter hodgson, daniel jason jenkins, alison elizabeth may tompkins
Charities and IPCs are required to prepare the financial statements in accordance to the Charities (Accounts and Annual Report) Regulations and the Charities (Institutions of A Public Character) Regulations, where applicable. The financial statement is available online for latest 3 financial years.
Receipts |
Donations in Cash |
Tax-Deductible |
Non Tax-Deductible |
Total Donations in Cash |
Donations in Kind |
Tax-Deductible |
Non Tax-Deductible |
Total Donations in Kind |
Government Grants |
Investment Income |
Programme Fees |
Others Income |
Total Receipts |
Capital in Nature |
Expenses |
Fundraising Expenses |
Fundraising Expenses |
Charitable Activities/Programme Expenses |
Local (Direct & Support) |
Overseas (Direct & Support) |
Charitable Activities/Programme Expenses |
Expenses |
Other Expenses |
Total Expenditure |
Balance Sheet |
Assets |
Land and Buildings |
Other Tangible Assets |
Investments |
Inventories |
Account Receivables |
Cash & Deposits |
Other Assets |
Total Assets |
Funds |
Total Unrestricted Funds |
Total Restricted Funds |
Endowments Funds |
Total Funds and Reserves |
Liabilities |
Total Current Liabilities |
Total Non-Current Liabilities |
Total Liabilities |
Total Funds and Liabilities |
Other Information |
Donations, Grants and Sponsorships given to other registred charities |
No. of Employees |
Total Employee Cost |
Fudnraisig Efficiency Ratio |
Total Related Party Transactions |
At Centre Stage Productions Limited, individuals are involved in various activities aimed at producing theatre events in Singapore to raise funds for philanthropic causes. These include roles such as actors, directors, stage managers, costume and set designers, lighting technicians, and marketing professionals who work together to create engaging performances that entertain audiences while also making a positive impact on the community through the power of performing arts.