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Shekinah Joy Church

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What does Shekinah Joy Church do?

Shekinah Joy Church is a religious organization dedicated to spreading the Gospel, promoting Christian values, and providing aid to those in need. They aim to become followers of Christ through His Word and share His love with others.




chan mei kam, tee geok har, lim wee kiat, tee boon chee, soon soo guan


No PovertyHealth & WellnessEducation


  • Registered Charity
  • Established since 1993
  • Published yearly Annual Reports

Society Impact

  • Propagation of Christian teachings and Gospel, promoting spiritual growth among individuals and communities.
  • Collaboration with other churches and Christian groups to further shared objectives, fostering unity and cooperation within the religious community.
  • Organization of conferences, meetings, camps, seminars, teaching sessions, forums, and training programs to advance Christian values and leadership development among pastors and lay leaders.
  • Production, exhibition, or distribution of religious cinematography, films, videos, records, cassettes, tapes, and other audio-visual materials that document events and promote Christian principles.
  • Promotion of human welfare on Christian, charitable, and benevolent principles, addressing the needs of the sick, poor, and needy in society.
  • Support for education initiatives with a Christian emphasis,