Spurthi Mahila Mandal (Bijapur) logo


Spurthi Mahila Mandal (Bijapur)

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What does Spurthi Mahila Mandal (Bijapur) do?

Spurthi Mahila Mandal (Bijapur) is a charitable organization dedicated to empowering women and children through various development initiatives. Their mission focuses on promoting sincerity, perseverance, teamwork, and integrity in all their endeavors. The organization recognizes the disparities between wealth distribution and workload, with most of the world's resources controlled by men while a significant portion of the work is done by women. Therefore, Spurthi Mahila Mandal prioritizes the development of women and children, as well as natural resource management to ensure sustainable living conditions for all.




kon yin chian, xie zhisen




  • Registered Charity
  • Established since 2009
  • Published yearly Annual Reports

Society Impact

  • Empowerment and development of women: The organization's focus on empowering women can lead to increased gender equality, improved social status for women in the community, and better economic opportunities.
  • Improved education and health outcomes for children: By focusing on child development programs, Spurthi Mahila Mandal may contribute to higher educational attainment and overall wellbeing among children in the area.
  • Environmental stewardship: The organization's emphasis on natural resource management can lead to more sustainable practices within the community, promoting environmental conservation and preservation of local ecosystems.
  • Community cohesion: Through its efforts towards teamwork and honest work, Spurthi Mahila Mandal may foster a sense of unity and cooperation among members of the