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Singapore Charismatic Church

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What does Singapore Charismatic Church do?

Singapore Charismatic Church is dedicated to promoting charitable activities, fostering fellowship among Christians, and spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ through various means such as preaching, education, missionary work, and community service.




au shyh dan, tan seok choo jennie, yong sheue horng, loh swee nam, sim york sing, lim jeen perng


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  • Registered Charity
  • Established since 1986
  • Published yearly Annual Reports

Society Impact

  • Promotion of charismatic Christian movement, fostering a sense of community among believers.
  • Encouragement and practice of gifts of the Holy Spirit such as speaking in tongues.
  • Worship, praise, and thanksgiving to God through various religious activities.
  • Teaching and growth of Christian religion, licensing and ordaining ministers for evangelism and missionary work.
  • Spreading the gospel through preaching, signs and wonders, miraculous healings, and personal witnessing.
  • Establishment and maintenance of training centers, educational institutions, and benevolent organizations to serve the community.
  • Support for local and international missionaries in their work.
  • Training and sending forth pastors who meet the Church's requirements.
  • Me
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