Chinese Church Union (Singapore) logo


Chinese Church Union (Singapore)

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Chinese Church Union (Singapore) banner

What does Chinese Church Union (Singapore) do?

The Chinese Church Union (Singapore) is a charitable organization dedicated to uniting Christians for advancing church missions, promoting wider participation in society's philanthropy and living godly Christ-like lives.




lin kok sing, cheng yin peng, wilson sung chang i, lam sek onn, chang pao hsia, tan woon meng daniel, ho yu choy, alfred yeo chee heng, chang jen yen, benjamin tham kwok wah


No PovertyHealth & WellnessChildren


  • Registered Charity
  • Established since 1983
  • Published yearly Annual Reports

Society Impact

  • Promotes unity among Christians: The organization brings together various Christian churches and organizations, fostering a sense of community and cooperation within the religious sector.
  • Encourages charitable involvement: By encouraging wider participation in charity work, the union contributes to an increase in philanthropic activities within Singaporean society.
  • Supports local communities: The organization's mission includes exhorting and teaching Christians to be involved in good works in their respective neighborhoods, which can lead to improved living conditions and quality of life for residents.
  • Provides disaster relief: In times of need, the Chinese Church Union may provide assistance to neighboring countries or regions affected by natural disasters or other crises, demonstrating a commitment to global community development.
  • Advances Christian values: By working towards advancing