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Evangelism Equipping Mission (Singapore)

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What does Evangelism Equipping Mission (Singapore) do?

Evangelism Equipping Mission (Singapore) is a charitable organization dedicated to glorifying God by empowering local churches worldwide through friendship, evangelism, discipleship, and healthy growth. Their mission is to spread the message of Christ and help communities thrive spiritually and physically.




koh hua tien bernard, tan beng hin jeffery, foo biow ann, lim choon guan, andy lim hock chye, liow sing teong, lui meng hong


No PovertyHealth & WellnessEducation


  • Registered Charity
  • Established since 1990
  • Published yearly Annual Reports

Society Impact

  • Promotes religious diversity and understanding by equipping local churches worldwide with evangelism strategies, thereby fostering a more inclusive global community.
  • Encourages friendship, discipleship, and healthy growth within the church, which strengthens interpersonal relationships and promotes social cohesion among members of these communities.
  • Contributes to the spiritual development of individuals by providing them with resources for personal growth and self-improvement, leading to a more spiritually enlightened society.
  • Supports community outreach programs that provide assistance to those in need, thereby improving the overall wellbeing of the less fortunate members of society.
  • Encourages missional outlook within churches, which emphasizes serving others and spreading God's love, leading