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Singapore Chin-Kon Religious Society

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What does Singapore Chin-Kon Religious Society do?

The Singapore Chin-Kon Religious Society is a charitable organization dedicated to promoting unity, harmony, and Chinese culture through religious education and humanitarian activities.




han yee yen, wong chia wei, tan kong tian, tay boon leong, oh siew lian, lee keng cheong, wong kwee peng




  • Registered Charity
  • Established since 1986
  • Published yearly Annual Reports

Society Impact

  • Promoting unity and harmony among members by fostering a sense of community and shared values.
  • Encouraging Chinese culture and religious education, including the printing of books on Chin-Kong Religion.
  • Supporting humanitarian activities and initiatives within the society.
  • Advancing and propagating the Chin-Kong religion among members with graciousness.
  • Preserving the origin and continuity of the faith from China Jiangxi Province in Singapore.
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