Poon Guan Hu Leng Sun Chong Tao Tong logo


Poon Guan Hu Leng Sun Chong Tao Tong

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What does Poon Guan Hu Leng Sun Chong Tao Tong do?

Poon Guan Hu Leng Sun Chong Tao Tong is a charitable organization dedicated to promoting health, wellness, and moral values through opium-smoking treatment based on the principles of the Chin King Religion. Their mission includes fostering positive relationships among members while propagating good morality for overall community betterment.




toh siew teck, chong lee yong, ng seng kee, tock sheo too, chee kit mey, tan kiat seng, lee teck koon, tan meng hua, toh cheh kah, teoh kien teck


Health & WellnessNo PovertyEducation


  • Registered Charity
  • Established since 1986
  • Published yearly Annual Reports

Society Impact

  • Promotes health and wellness by offering treatment for opium smoking, a harmful habit that can lead to various health issues.
  • Encourages good morality through its religious principles, which may positively influence individuals' behavior and attitudes towards others.
  • Fosters positive relationships among members of the society by creating a supportive community where people with similar goals can come together and help each other achieve their objectives.
  • Contributes to social cohesion by providing an inclusive environment for individuals from different backgrounds, promoting understanding and respect among diverse groups.
  • May reduce crime rates in the long term by helping individuals overcome addiction and improve their overall well-being, which can lead to fewer instances of criminal behavior related to substance abuse or mental health issues.