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Sri Sathya Sai Prema Nilayam

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What does Sri Sathya Sai Prema Nilayam do?

Sri Sathya Sai Prema Nilayam is a charitable organization dedicated to promoting education in human values, community service, and spirituality based on the teachings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. The society provides opportunities for members to engage in daily acts of giving, serving fellowmen regardless of race or religion, and fostering inter-racial and inter-religious understanding in Singapore. They organize various activities such as discussions, talks, lectures, prayers, meditation lessons, meetings, spiritual studies, service activities, seminars, retreats, conferences, and symposiums to promote spiritual advancement. The society also produces, sells, distributes or exhibits literature and audio-visual materials for the promotion of their objectives




subramaniam ramanathan buvaneswarran, muthu kumaar k karuppiah, santosi buvaneswarran, gowri shankar gokulan, ganeshwari d/o subramanian, madasamy s/o karthaiya, arulambalam gowrishankar, sanmugarajah ehamparanathan


Health & WellnessEducation


  • Registered Charity
  • Established since 1999
  • Published yearly Annual Reports

Society Impact

  • Promoting human values education, community service and spirituality through organized activities.
  • Providing opportunities for members to engage in daily life charitable work.
  • Encouraging inter-racial and inter-religious understanding in Singapore.
  • Striving for recognition of the unity of ideals among all faiths.
  • Organizing discussions, talks, lectures, prayers, meditation lessons, meetings, spiritual studies, service activities, seminars, retreats, conferences and symposiums for spiritual advancement.
  • Printing, publishing, selling or distributing literature to promote the society's objectives.
  • Utilizing funds, gifts, benefactions in cash or kind donated to the society for promoting its objects.