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Singapore Bible Baptist Church

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What does Singapore Bible Baptist Church do?

Singapore Bible Baptist Church is a charitable organization dedicated to touching hearts and reaching lives through various programs such as worship, evangelism, fellowship, discipleship, and ministry.




chia wah onn vincent, choo ng hui, yap cheng guan bern, yap hock chye, darren chia jian hao, tan mary, :lim gek keo jasline, lim wei liang, loo sun sun leslie


No PovertyHealth & WellnessChildren


  • Registered Charity
  • Established since 1985
  • Published yearly Annual Reports

Society Impact

  • Providing spiritual guidance and support to individuals seeking a deeper understanding of Christian faith.
  • Building a community that promotes fellowship, worship, evangelism, discipleship, and ministry activities.
  • Encouraging members to become "distinctive disciples" who embody the values of being chosen, royal priests, holy nations, and peculiar people.
  • Offering opportunities for individuals to serve others through various forms of ministry within the church and beyond.
  • Fostering a culture of outreach and evangelism by sharing the gospel with those who are lost or in darkness.
  • Promoting personal growth, transformation, and maturity among believers through discipleship programs and activities.
  • Contributing to social welfare initiatives that address community needs such as pover
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