Sing Man Temple (Singapore) logo


Sing Man Temple (Singapore)

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What does Sing Man Temple (Singapore) do?

Sing Man Temple in Singapore is dedicated to promoting Buddhist values of compassion, benevolence, and meditation for stress relief, relaxation, and personal growth. The temple offers dharma classes, lectures, and discussions on living a meaningful life, as well as regular meditation activities that foster social cohesiveness among participants. Its mission is to enrich lives through Ch'an culture, enhance moral cultivation, purify minds for graceful conducts, and create harmonious societies.




lee thye thye, yo ju ping, phua seow hong, wang song ling, yap boon tiong, tan beng hwa, soon luan cheng, wang yew kwang, wu kaixin


No PovertyHealth & WellnessChildren


  • Registered Charity
  • Established since 2008
  • Published yearly Annual Reports

Society Impact

  • Promoting compassion and benevolence through relief efforts for distressed individuals.
  • Facilitating Ch'an Meditation to reduce stress, promote relaxation, and enhance mental well-being.
  • Encouraging meditation as a method of achieving peaceful, stable, and joyful states of mind.
  • Organizing dharma classes, lectures, and discussions on living a more meaningful life.
  • Enhancing social cohesiveness through regular meditation activities that bring people from different backgrounds together.
  • Providing counseling services to help distressed individuals regain joy, harmony, and healthy lifestyles.
  • Encouraging the adoption of Ch'an culture as a way of life among people of all
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