Mount Gerizim Bible Presbyterian Church logo


Mount Gerizim Bible Presbyterian Church

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What does Mount Gerizim Bible Presbyterian Church do?

Mount Gerizim Bible Presbyterian Church is a charitable organization dedicated to promoting Christian relief for the poor and needy, while also focusing on salvation of souls, teaching God's words, encouraging worship, defending "the faith", and establishing Christian institutions in Singapore.




ho tsu yock, yeong foh kow, seah chee hsiung, lee chong heng, goh cheng hwa, thng eng khoon peter


No PovertyHealth & WellnessChildren


  • Registered Charity
  • Established since 2009
  • Published yearly Annual Reports

Society Impact

  • Promoting Christian values and teachings through various activities such as worship, education, and community service.
  • Providing spiritual guidance to individuals seeking salvation or a deeper understanding of God's words.
  • Supporting the poor and needy by providing relief services and promoting social welfare within the community.
  • Strengthening relationships with other Bible-Presbyterian churches and like-minded organizations, fostering unity and cooperation in spreading the message of Jesus Christ.
  • Encouraging moral values and ethical behavior among members and the wider society through its various programs and initiatives.
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