
Jubilee Assembly of God

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What does Jubilee Assembly of God do?

A Charity Focused on Spreading Jesus' Message & Promoting Human Welfare




wang choon siew, see tho peng kuan philip, loh yin ping, jet chung meng wai, ou tzong-shyong gabriel


No PovertyHealth & WellnessChildren


  • Registered Charity
  • Established since 2006
  • Published yearly Annual Reports

Society Impact

  • Provides a place for worship and spiritual community building
  • Promotes Christian values such as charity, benevolence, and welfare
  • Encourages interfaith dialogue and understanding through its openness to people of all religions
  • Offers opportunities for volunteering and community service
  • Contributes to local economic development by supporting various initiatives and programs
  • Supports social causes such as poverty alleviation, education, healthcare, and disaster relief efforts.
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