Asia Aflame Network (Singapore) logo


Asia Aflame Network (Singapore)

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What does Asia Aflame Network (Singapore) do?

Asia Aflame Network (Singapore) is a charitable organization dedicated to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ through various initiatives, including radio broadcasts, discipling and training leaders, community projects, and humanitarian aid in crisis situations.




ho hong hwar alfred, gan cheong eng, wong thong peng peter, teo kong guan frank, ang ai hwa esther, loh kim hoong christopher, kenneth saradetch, moh kee juat, loh kim fai eddie, tan beng choo doris


No PovertyHealth & WellnessChildren


  • Registered Charity
  • Established since 2003
  • Published yearly Annual Reports

Society Impact

  • Spreads the gospel and Christian love, promoting spiritual growth and development among individuals and communities.
  • Raises awareness about unreached people and areas in need of prayer support.
  • Facilitates coordination and consultation for mission work, fostering collaboration and effectiveness in outreach efforts.
  • Empowers backward communities through various initiatives aimed at their upliftment, promoting social equity and inclusivity.
  • Provides humanitarian aid and relief during crisis situations, alleviating suffering and supporting those affected by disasters or hardships.
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