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Cherith Baptist Church

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What does Cherith Baptist Church do?

Cherith Baptist Church is a charitable organization dedicated to spreading love and support within their community. They focus on financial and fundraising efforts through free-will offerings from members, ensuring all expenditures are covered by these contributions. The church also values membership, accepting new believers who have been interviewed and accepted into the congregation after baptism by immersion. Their mission is to create a multiplying church that makes disciples beyond their four walls, fostering an environment where members can grow spiritually together for God's glory alone.




yuen kar wai,carmen, wang yong, chin woon hee



  • Registered Charity
  • Established since 1986
  • Published yearly Annual Reports

Society Impact

  • Community Building: Through its various ministries and activities, the church fosters a sense of community among members, providing support and encouragement for individuals going through life's challenges.
  • Spiritual Growth: The church provides opportunities for spiritual growth and development, helping members deepen their relationship with God and understand His teachings better.
  • Mission Outreach: Cherith Baptist Church is committed to spreading the gospel beyond its four walls, making disciples locally and globally through various mission initiatives.
  • Social Impact: The church engages in community service projects and outreaches that address social issues such as poverty, hunger, and homelessness, contributing positively to society's well-being.
  • Family Values: Cherith Baptist Church emphasizes the importance of family

Donation Income

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